Benefits of Treatment Protocols for Beef Cattle
Treatment protocols, including good treatment records, helps ensure sick animals recover quickly and get back into production. Protocols can save producers time and money while insuring the best treatments for protection of the farm and the food chain.
Treatment protocols are a list of common diseases likely encountered on the ranch, with information about the diseases, how to diagnose diseases, treat diseases, the medications to use, along with dosage, frequency, duration of treatments and withdraw time. Included would also be training using Beef Quality Assurance guidelines and records of treated animals with the outcome.
Well thought out protocols can save producers money and time by getting sick animals treated quicker, more effectively and minimize the stress and discomfort to our livestock. This gets them back into production where they need to be to benefit the producer. Treatment protocols also protect the public, rancher, and veterinarian. We are producing a product that must be safe, consistent, and enjoyable to the consumer. The goal of treatment protocols is to help guide your farms team to properly diagnose and treat common conditions under the indirect supervision of the veterinarian.
Your veterinarian can determine the needs for each farm and tailor protocols for these specific needs. There are many important variables that must be taken into account when choosing treatment options. First, is the chosen treatment effective? Is there a labeled product or must we use a product off-label? If extra-label drug use, then can we follow the proper guidelines? Can we follow appropriate withdrawal times? Can we avoid injection site problems and drug residues? Is the treatment cost effective? We must also monitor the results of therapy, attend to adverse drug reactions, and keep accurate records of all treatments.
Treatment guidelines makes decision making by employees and farms much easier while improving the success of treatments and improving animal welfare. We also want to insure that farmers or employees know when a veterinarian needs to be called for those more complicated or unusual cases. Following protocols helps to consistently eliminate the risk of volatile meat or milk residue.
Basic protocols will cover:
1. Who is responsible for sick animals and treatments
2. What animal or group of animals is being treated
3. How to diagnoses if treatment is needed and what treatment protocol to follow.
4. What common signs to look for and how to spot problems early
5. What treatments to administer including:
a. Drug(s) to use
b. Dosage
c. Route administered
d. Frequency to administer
e. Meat and milk withholds
6. Records of animals or groups treated
a. Date(s) treated
b. All information actually occurred from #5 above used for treatment
c. Date when safe to use milk and meat
d. Outcome of treatment
e. Initials or signature of person doing the treatments
Once treatment protocols are created they need to be readily available in the treatment barn or area for easy access and use. Producers need to agree to follow the instructions and updates made regularly. When medications are used in an extra-labeled manner, following the advice of non-veterinarians, or not following guidelines set up by the veterinarian, it puts everyone at risk of residue violations and treatment failures. It is easy some times to fall into “procedural drift” where over time we can get away from following guidelines for best practices. If a protocol does not seem to be working, then it needs to be addressed through your veterinarian who can help to gather more information and make adjustments where needed.
Treatment Protocols are part of the Beef Quality Assurance program. This program uses management techniques to create best management practices for beef producers. In turn producers can improve profits and create a better product for consumers.
For more information on Beef Quality Assurance programs –