Goals of the Certification process
1. Decrease production costs
2. Increase value of products sold
3. Decrease Labor, while doing one and two.
4. Maintain or enhance animal welfareIntegris Requirements for Certification
The follow must be in place to be an Integris Certified Ranch
• Create and maintain a current veterinary client patient relationship (VCPR)
• Establish and use a Herd Health Program with your Veterinarian, renewed and reviewed yearly
o This includes vaccines for branding (pasture turn out), pre-weaning and weaning times.
o Cow herd vaccines
o Deworming protocols
o Fly control
o Biosecurity
o Animal Welfare
• Have a set of treatment protocols created from your veterinarian and used every time an animal gets sick.
• Complete records for group or individual processing, tests, and treatment records available for potential buyers to review and then transferred to buyer, once purchased.
• Beef Quality Assurance Certified and remain current
o Records used and guidelines followed as described in BQA modules
o Yearly records and audits
• BVD-PI certified free (use of testing, biosecurity, and vaccinations)
• Use a veterinarian or nutritionist to create and use best practices for feeding and mineral use in your herd.
• With the help of your veterinarian or other qualified professional establish a genetic and breeding plan with specific goals and guidelines on how you are going to choose bulls and replacement cattle.
More information is coming soon, mean while learn more about the first two most important beginning points and get started:
- Veterinary Client Patient Relationship Guidelines for a formal VCPR
- Beef Quality Assurance Certification BQA Home page
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